Service Blocks
Service blocks contain the majority of the Cloudscript code, including the default provider, infrastructure, configuration, containers and deployment specifications.
service "webapp" {
provider = "aws"
infrastructure {
network "vpc" {
cidr_block = ""
enable_dns_hostnames = true
enable_dns_support = true
tags = {
Name = "main-vpc"
resource_type = "aws_vpc"
network "subnet1" {
vpc_id = "${}"
cidr_block = ""
availability_zone = "us-east-1a"
resource_type = "aws_subnet"
network "subnet2" {
vpc_id = "${}"
cidr_block = ""
availability_zone = "us-east-1b"
resource_type = "aws_subnet"
network "internet_gateway" {
vpc_id = "${}"
tags = {
Name = "main"
resource_type = "aws_internet_gateway"
network "route_table" {
vpc_id = "${}"
route = [
cidr_block = ""
gateway_id = "${}"
resource_type = "aws_route_table"
network "route_table_association_subnet1" {
subnet_id = "${}"
route_table_id = "${}"
resource_type = "aws_route_table_association"
network "route_table_association_subnet2" {
subnet_id = "${}"
route_table_id = "${}"
resource_type = "aws_route_table_association"
iam "eks_cluster" {
name = "eks_cluster"
assume_role_policy = file("role.json")
resource_type = "aws_iam_role"
iam "eks_cluster_policy_attachment" {
role = "${}"
policy_arn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSClusterPolicy"
resource_type = "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment"
compute "eks_cluster" {
name = "main"
role_arn = "${infrastructure.iam.eks_cluster.arn}"
vpc_config = {
subnet_ids = [
depends_on = ["infrastructure.iam.eks_cluster_policy_attachment"]
resource_type = "aws_eks_cluster"
compute "web_server" {
instance_type = "t2.micro"
ami = "ami-005fc0f236362e99f"
subnet_id = "${}"
tags = {
Name = "main_web_server"
key_name = "cloud-cli-key"
depends_on = [""]
resource_type = "aws_instance"
configuration {
play "webapp" {
name = "Configure webapp"
hosts = "{{ target_servers | default('all') }}"
become = true
vars = {
target_web_servers = "web_servers"
target_db_servers = "db_servers"
task {
name = "Packages tasks"
block {
task {
name = "Install required packages"
package {
name = "{{ item }}"
state = "present"
update_cache = true
loop = ["nginx", "docker"]
task {
name = "Other tasks"
block {
task {
name = "Create/modify /etc/nginx/nginx.conf"
copy {
dest = "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"
content = file("nginx.conf")
mode = "0644"
owner = "root"
group = "root"
notify = ["restart nginx"]
when = "ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu'"
task {
name = "Ensure nginx is started"
service {
name = "nginx"
state = "started"
enabled = "yes"
register = "nginx_started_result"
retries = 3
delay = 5
failed_when = "nginx_started_result is failed"
changed_when = "nginx_started_result is changed"
when = "ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu'"
task {
name = "Verify nginx"
command = "systemctl is-active nginx"
register = "verify_nginx"
failed_when = "verify_nginx.rc != 0"
changed_when = false
retries = 1
delay = 5
handler {
name = "restart nginx"
service {
name = "nginx"
state = "restarted"
containers {
app "web_app" {
image = "nginx:latest"
type = "Deployment"
replicas = 3
command = ["/bin/sh"]
args = ["-c", "nginx -g 'daemon off;'"]
working_dir = "/usr/share/nginx/html"
readiness_probe = {
http_get = {
path = "/healthz"
port = 80
initial_delay_seconds = 5
period_seconds = 10
resources = {
limits = {
cpu = "500m"
memory = "512Mi"
requests = {
cpu = "250m"
memory = "256Mi"
empty_dir_volumes = [
name = "cache"
size_limit = "1Gi"
volume_mounts = [
name = "cache"
mountPath = "/cache"
ports = [
container_port = 80
service_port = 80
service = {
type = "LoadBalancer"
annotations = {
"" = "nlb"
node_selector = {
"" = "linux"
"node-type" = "web"
auto_scaling = {
min_replicas = 2
max_replicas = 10
target_cpu_utilization_percentage = 80
deployment {
"infrastructure.compute.web_server" maps_to ""
Last updated